Latin in Belgium: on boards, in articles, ads, books, monuments…

Latin in Belgium: signboards, media, ...

"Scientiae et artibus" (Benelux-universitair Centrum)

(Neerlandia, 1, 2001)

"Ave Belgica, victores te salutant" (about the Belgian soccer team after the world championship in Mexico)

(LB, 01/07/1986)

"Quid novis ?" (en fait: "Quid novi ?")

Nameur / Namur - Ludus pro Patria

(djeu po l’ patrîye / game for the nation)

Brugge - "Europa Nostra" Award

(ons Europa / W noste Eûrope / our Europe)

Panem et circenses

(AL, 27/11/2009)

Veritas (De Panne)

Pro Linguis (Diddebuurg / Thiaumont)

(AL, 13/03/2010)

Acta est fabula

(Knack, 03/08/2011)


(AL, 03/03/2011)

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